Holding Your Special Event at Fort Ross
Full special event guideline HERE
Upcoming Events at Fort Ross
Teacher Training this Saturday
To register click HERE
If you have any questions please contact Jaclyn Schneider, LiMPETS Program Coordinator, at jschneider@farallones.org
Viola Planting, Tuesday February 11
Meeting location: the Stump Beach Parking Lot on the West Side of Highway 1
Planting will start at 10am. Please RSVP to Amelia.Schall@parks.ca.gov
Please bring: Gloves, Hand trowel, workshoes/waterproof boots, hat/sun protection, bag lunch, water bottle and hand sanitizer
Past Events
First Day Hike, January 1st 10:30 am
Where: Salt Point State Park, Grace Rock Loop Trail
When: 10:30 AM, January 1 2025
Parking: Grace Rock Loop Trail Trailhead, Mile Marker 44, Salt Point State Park.
Length of hike: 1.5 miles, ~2.5 h on an easy-moderate loop
Ages: 8+
Contact: Hank Birnbaum, Fort Ross Conservancy. hankb@fortross.org, (707) 847-3437
Preparation: Bring water, bag lunch, binoculars, cameras, layered clothing, hiking boots (be prepared for some possible moisture) and optional hiking sticks.
Join us for a hike on the wild north side of Salt Point State Park. The Grace Rock Loop Trail features otherworldly landscapes of tafoni geology (at its best) and seascapes of pounding surf, deep water and distant vistas. We’ll meet at 10:30am at the Grace Rock trailhead pull-off at Mile Marker 44. (There’s additional parking roadside, just south of this trailhead, plus further south, at both Gerstle Cove and Stump Beach trailheads, there are public restrooms.) This is an approximate 1.5 mile easy-moderate hike, starting roadside, proceeding through a stressed Bishop Pine forest down to the ocean terrace and the unique and unforgettable tafoni honeycomb geologic sandstone formations.
At lunch time, for those ready for a tad more adventure, some of us can climb through a rocky passage and out onto Grace Rock to more fully embrace the elements… or simply pause and enjoy an easily accessible and sheltered spot of beauty and wonder nearby. After lunch, together we’ll loop around up the hill to the north, with a panoramic view of Horseshoe Cove, the Kashia Coastal Reserve, Richardson family ranchlands and Sea Ranch, then hike back through grasslands down to the trailhead and parking.
Plan on an approximate 2 ½ hour hike. Please bring your own water, a bag lunch, layered clothing, sunscreen, headwear, hiking boots (be prepared for some possible brisk wind and seaside moisture) and if desired, optional hiking sticks, binoculars, and camera. Not recommended for kids under eight and - sorry - no dogs are permitted on Salt Point State Park trails. Hike led by Fort Ross Conservancy’s Hank Birnbaum plus knowledgeable and dedicated volunteers. Salt Point State Park brochure and map link. For more information and rain cancellation info, please see FRC Events link, email hankb@fortross.org or call 707-847-3437.
(IF the FRSHP VC is going to be closed January 1st, you can (also?) use my cell number: (707) 321-5783.)
Social media: Follow us at facebook, and instagram
Community open house, December 14th 12–4:30 pm
Join us for the annual sea star search at Sandy Cove from 4 - 5 pm! (details below). Bring friends, family and children to help us find as many sea stars as possible!
UPDATE: If it is raining heavily, the seastar seach may be cancelled. Check this page for updates on the day
Sea star search:
Meet at the visitor center at 3:30 pm to sign in and to walk down to Sandy Cove at 3:45 pm
Everyone is welcome for the annual sea star solstice search at Sandy Cave for the California Academy of Sciences during FRC’s Open house (12-4:30 pm)
The goal is to document as many sea stars as possible and to keep an eye out for the sunflower sea star and giant pink sea star. Sunflower sea stars, in particular, are important benthic predators that were hit hard by sea star wasting syndrome over 10 years ago and are difficult to find today.
The bigger our team, the more chances we have of finding and documenting sea stars!
This activity involves climbing over wet, often slippery rocks. It is recommended to wear shoes with good grip that can get wet (although you can stay dry if careful)
Don’t forget your phone and cameras to take photos and upload them on iNaturalist!
If you have any questions, email our Coastal Naturalist Dione at mep@fortross.org
The Harvest Festival - October 19th at 11 am to 3 pm
The harvest festival is an annual celebration at Fort Ross. Bring your friends and family for apple and pear picking in our historic orchard and enjoy activities in the Visitor Center and Fort!
Everyone is welcome! Bring a picnic and enjoy autumn’s fresh air. There will be pumpkin carving for kids, apple pressing, and tours about the cultural and natural history of Fort Ross State Historic Park. For apple and pear picking, please park at the main parking lot and walk up to the orchard (~20 minutes)
$10 per car park entrance fee applies.
Award-winning Outdoor Piano Concert - September 10
On the 10th of September, there will be a special piano concert at Fort Ross by Pianist Hunter Noack for his award-winning Outdoor Concert Series: In a landscape, classical music in the wild. Click here for more details and ticketing information
Alaska Native Day Weekend, May 18–19
The Alaska Native Community at Metini-Fort Ross welcomes all to Alaska Native Day this spring. Please join us as we continue to honor our Alaska Native history in the California lands of the Kashia Pomo. We will be celebrating our cultural practices through the sharing of our traditional foods and stories from our elders.
Alaska Natives have a long history of relationship to Metini through the Russian hunting expeditions in the 1800’s. Alaska Natives were forcefully brought from their homelands by the Russian American Company to build Fort Ross and hunt sea otters for the benefit of the Russian American Company and at great cost to the Alaska Natives.
The Alaska Native community is grateful to the Kashia Pomo for welcoming us on their lands so we may pay tribute to our ancestors and continue to strengthen our community. A special thank you to Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, The Aleut Foundation, Pacific Northwest Aleut Council, Ounalashka Corporation, and Fort Ross Conservancy for their generous support.
Please join us to learn more of our Alaska Native history and continuing cultural practices https://alaskanativeday.com/
Reach out to alaskanativedayatmetini@gmail.com with any questions, accessibility needs, and to sign up for crafts*
*Beaded Glass Balls led by Nikkita Shellikoff is limited to Unangan participants. Craft led by Danielle Larsen open, priority will go to Alaska Native participants.
***Accessibility: the event will be primarily outdoors, weather permitting, with possibly an indoor component. The outdoor locations (excluding cemetery) will have seating, shade structures, wheelchair accessible bathrooms, relatively flat packed but unpaved walkways, accessible parking options for those who need it. Walk to cemetery is roughly 20 minutes each way on hilly terrain on a narrow path, there is another option to park nearby on flat location please contact email for further directions for this option. Cemetery is mostly flat and grassy, a few hundred feet from the road and limited parking, no bathroom or packed walkways, there is a bench for seating, additional seating could be arranged ahead of time if needed.***
Sandy Cove Bioblitz, June 1st
December 2023
Guided Fort Compound Tours are scheduled on a regular basis on weekends plus some Fridays & Mondays during the holidays.
($10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet at the FRSHP Visitor Center)
Private Fort Tours plus Harbor Seal Walks and Sea Lion Hikes are available upon request.
See www.fortross.org/tours or call (707) 847-3437 for more details.
Saturday, December 23
11:00 AM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
1:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
3:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
Sunday, December 24
1:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
3:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
Tuesday, December 26
1:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
Friday, December 29
11:00 AM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
1:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
3:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
Saturday, December 30
1:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
3:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
Sunday, December 31
1:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
3:00 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour, $10 per adult, kids 10 and under free, meet in visitor center
Monday, January 1
10:30 AM First Day Hike, Salt Point State Park, Meet at Gerstle Cove Day Use Area
2:30 PM 1-hr Guided Fort Tour plus Tea, meet at Fort Ross Visitor Center
Salt Point State Park
Monday, January 1, 2024
10:30am - 1:30pm
Gerstle Cove-Stump Beach First Day Hike: The most exciting time of the year to see the wild beauty of the Sonoma Coast is mid winter, as the waves boom to shore and the first wildflowers begin to peep up. What better way to begin the year than a bracing hike right at the water's edge and then safely view the heavy breakers rolling in.
Meet at Gerstle Cove day use parking area (restrooms available) at 10:30 am. This is a mostly level easy hike on marine terraces north all the way to Stump Beach, which is 1.2 miles each way (with optional carpool return shuttle). We will pass by the tafoni honeycomb geologic sandstone formations, and conditions allowing, will descend a short narrow steep trail and cross the stream to enjoy our bag lunches on sandy Stump Beach. After lunch, time and conditions allowing, there will be an option to hike further north, up the hill and through the woods (and up and over some downed trees) to a scenic ocean overlook plus enjoy the waterfalls at nearby Phillip's Gulch Creek. Plan for a 3+ hour round trip.
Please bring your own water, a bag lunch, layered clothing, sunscreen, headwear, hiking boots (be prepared for some possible brisk wind and seaside moisture) and if desired, optional hiking sticks, binoculars, and camera. Not recommended for kids under eight and - sorry - no dogs are permitted on Salt Point State Park trails, or on the beach. Hike is led by Fort Ross Conservancy’s Hank Birnbaum. California State Park parking fees apply. Salt Point State Park brochure & map link. Pair this hike with a 2:30pm Fort Ross Guided Tour & Tea. For more information please email hankb@fortross.org or call 707-847-3437. For rain cancellation info, please call (707) 321-5783. (Limited cell phone and wifi reception on the north Sonoma Coast.)
First Day Fort Ross Guided Tour & Tea
Fort Ross State Historic Park
Monday, January 1, 2024
Learn the inside stories of Fort Ross, featuring a guided tour through the fort compound, behind locked doors. The tour will include introductions to the Kashia Pomo, Russian Era Alaska Natives, and the Ranch Era. After our 1 hr tour, let’s sit down at the samovar for a cup of hot tea, treats and discussions before you hit the road. Meet at 2:30pm at the Fort Ross Visitor Center. $20/person plus California State Park parking fees apply. Tour led by Fort Ross Conservancy’s bilingual (English and/or Russian) guide Hank Birnbaum. Rain or shine! For more information please visit these Fort Ross Conservancy events and park map links, email hankb@fortross.org or call (707) 847-3437.