Fort Ross Photo Contest
Dear Fort Ross Photo Contest Participants,
Thank you all so much for entering your beautiful photographs into our first ever photo contest! We had a total of 21 participants! This was such a treat for our staff to judge. You all captured beautiful moments within these stunning parks of ours.
After much deliberation, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2019 Fort Ross Photo Contest!
In no particular order:
Elizabeth Monroe with “Grove of Dreams”
Perla Vargas with “Salt Water Waterfall”
Lisa Pearson Hamre with “Morning View from Fort Ross”

We hope you all enjoyed this as much as we did! Please continue to visit our parks and capture images for next years photo contest!
We will be displaying these beautiful prints in the Beer Garden next Saturday at Fort Ross Festival. See you all there!
2019 Contest Rules
Calling all amateur photographers! Fort Ross Conservancy is holding a photo contest leading up to our July 27th, 2019 Fort Ross Festival.
We will award three winners. Each winner will receive free entrance to Fort Ross Festival and — if the winner is over 21 — two free beers from our Beer Garden! We will print and display the three winning photographs during Fort Ross Festival for all to enjoy and appreciate.
Contest Rules:
- You must submit your photo between February 18 – July 20, 2019.
- You must have personally taken each photograph.
- You can submit between one and three photos. Minimum 300 dpi.
- The photo must be taken at either Fort Ross State Historic Park or Salt Point State Park.
- FRC will use the winning photos on our website, on FRC flyers and for other non-commercial purposes, with full credit to the photographer.
- Each photo should include location, caption, name and email of photographer.
Please submit your photos to with the email subject line of ‘Photo Contest’.
Questions? Email