Local Guides
Sonoma County
Stewarts Point, California

Stewarts Point, CA Local Info


Situated about 20 miles north of the town of Jenner, Stewarts Point offers visitors a serene and secluded escape amidst the natural beauty of the Pacific Coast, just north of Salt Point State Park.

 The Stewarts Point Store, established in the late 1800s, is a local landmark that has been serving the community for generations. It now operates a cafe soaked in the nostalgic atmosphere.

After getting a bite to eat, drive a short distance to Kashia Coastal Reserve owned and managed by the tribe.

The Kashia people, the original inhabitants of the region, have a rich history in the area that stretches back for generations. Their territory once spanned from the Gualala River in the north to Duncan’s Point near the Russian River, covering a distance of about thirty miles.

By the 1870s, most Kashia people resided in two main villages located on the property of Charles Haupt, a rancher who had married into the Kashaya community. These villages near Stewarts Point became vital centers for Kashaya culture and heritage preservation amidst changing times.